XTribe Dev&Doc
This section hosts more technical information related to the development activities. At the moment, only a restricted set of beta testers are allowed to create and develop experiment instances.
Follow Xtribe updates
Who would like to be informed on future updates, new experiment releases and results can join our Google Group or consult it.
Are you going to develop on XTribe?
And if it's not enough, please take a look at raw code examples, visiting our Shared Experiment page.
Cite Xtribe
If you used Xtribe in your research, please cite us in your papers. By doing this, you contribute to the recognition of our platform as a valuable scientific tool that has impact:
@inproceedings{caminiti2013xtribe, title={XTribe: a web-based social computation platform}, author={Caminiti, Saverio and Cicali, Claudio and Gravino, Pietro and Loreto, Vittorio and Servedio, Vito DP and Sirbu, Alina and Tria, Francesca}, booktitle={2013 International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing}, pages={397--403}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} }
We are hiring
If you are interested in the project, you have wb developing skills and you are looking for a job: join the Xtribe Team