Data Science

KREYON aims at looking for patterns of creativity and innovation processes in several areas of social dynamics, cognitive sciences and technological evolution. To this end large relevant datasets will be gathered, by leveraging the availability of extensive longitudinal records of human activities online, and adapted to the specific needs.
A key feature to be collected will be the time-stamp of individual events in order to reconstruct ordered time-series in the different contexts. This will be useful to investigate correlations and cause-effect relationships, triggering and precursors effects.
Our analysis will be focused (but not limited to) to the following areas where creativity and innovation are key driving forces: language, music, art, science, technology, information networks.
We share the gathered dataset in order to stimulate validation of our findinds and further research.
Here is a list of dowloadable datasets, free to dowload, that will continuosly be updated:
Kreyon City experiment dataset (NEW) (download)
LEGO Sculptures experiment dataset (NEW) (download)
CreaStoria experiment dataset, stories (download, Mongo DB dump)
LEGORhythm experiment dataset (download, JSON)
LEGO Pixel Art experiment dataset, LEGO compositions (download, JSON)
- albums dataset (download, JSON)
FICS dataset (download, PGN and FEN)
IMDb dataset (download, Mongo DB dump)
We also release the implementations of the codes for analysis and visualization of those dataset:
Kreyon City experiment & visualization software (NEW) (download)
General Urn Model with Trigger simulator (NEW) (download)
- analysis scripts (download, Python Script, requires MongoDB import of the dataset)
FICS analysis scripts (download, Python Script, requires MongoDB import of the FICS dataset)
IMDb analysis scripts (download, Python Script, requires MongoDB import of the IMDb dataset)
LEGO Pixel Art originality scripts (download, Python Script, requires composition folder of LEGO Pixel Art experiment)
LEGO Pixel Art analysis scripts (download, Node.JS Script, requires compositions files)